Care for Those Who Are Caring for You!
Nursing Homes • Assisted Living • Independent Living • CCRCs
“Dan Stockdale—a man whose life’s passion is to care for the elderly!”
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Mom: Honor and respect your elders
Wash your hands like mom taught you
More advice from mom: Cover your mouth when you sneeze
“Dan is the Elon Musk of senior living. Creative, Passionate and Experience-Driven!”
Do You Feel Overloaded and Overwhelmed?
Connect now with the elderly you know… Parents, Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles & Neighbors.
Love Works ...yes, I know your family is dysfunctional. All families are. Put it aside with 3 simple words; tell them, I Love You!
Granny’s Gone Wild! … she’s texting and on Facebook and FaceTime. Message or call her now. Seriously, your phone is in your hand. Do it now.
The body may say ‘85 years old’ but the mind still thinks ‘25 years old’. Keep them active!
Prepare cards, crafts or handmade gifts to deliver each month throughout the year.
Learn from cultures who respect and value their elderly. Ask questions. Learn. You can bypass a lot of life’s mistakes by learning from them.
After corona is gone, continue these practices… visit often either online or in person, make cards and gifts… It’s truly the thought that counts.
Distance does not mean you have to be distant.
Ideas for Showing the Elderly They Are Not Forgotten! #SeniorHeroes
FaceTime or Skype them now
Send videos of your kids or pets sheltering in place just like them
Send text messages… Yes grandpa knows how to use a smartphone… It’s 2020! 🙂
Post your appreciation to the healthcare workers who are taking care of your elderly family and friends. Acknowledge the facility by name and their efforts in your social media posts
Make a card, craft or a simple gift you can give them when social distancing diminishes. Better yet, involve the kiddos and occupy their minds and hands.
Ask them questions about their past experiences. Ask them about any similar situations they’ve ever experienced.
Ask them about when they were growing up… what it was like. Be sure your kids and grandkids are involved in the conversation so they learn about their heritage.
Ask them what advice they would give our government officials… They have so much knowledge they want to share!
Put it on your calendar for the rest of this year to visit at least once a month in person once it is deemed safe. Better yet make it a weekly event!
Social distancing does not equate to isolation. How about standing outside their window with a big sign that says “I Love You!“
Remember, although our body may be 85 years old the mind still thinks of ourselves as 25. Age really is just a number.
In everything you post and do use #LoveMyGoldenAger Let’s show the world we value our elderly once again!
Nursing Homes, Assisted Living, Memory Care, Independent Living and CCRC staff, you need RingMastered. Register Now to receive tips to improve your facility or community.
Have a question? Talk to a rep.
“Dan is definitely a trail blazer, which is certainly needed at this point in business evolution!”
⇩ Senior Housing Professionals See Below ⇩
Create a Buzz
Excitement around your brand will have your local community talking about you and your business within days.
Create Automatic Top-of-Mind Awareness
Build sales and recognition by achieving the ‘magic mix’ of social media and traditional marketing.
Become a RINGMaster
Have your boss and competition baffled at how quickly your enterprise birthed a happy staff and is filling beds.
Have a question? Talk to a rep.
Discover how the RingMastered process has helped senior living communities like yours improve care, increase occupancy and turn team members into evangelists for your community.
What Makes RingMastered So Different?
The RingMastered plan is revolutionary because it teaches you how to master the 5 most difficult issues faced by entrepreneurs, businesses and enterprises EVERY moment of every day; Census, Staffing, Happiness, Budgets and Surveys.
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Why should census be such a struggle, with the ever-increasing aging population? Census dominates the day for most facilities…and for good reason. It’s our lifeblood. It’s the lifeblood of our region and our companies. Without ‘heads in beds’ there’s no revenue to provide the quality care we all strive to give. If you didn’t have to spend so much time focusing on filling beds, how much better could your operation be? How much better customer service could you provide?
Staffing solved? Impossible? No, not at all. The culture you create is the key to attracting and retaining the right staff. We should always be hiring personalities first and skills second. Or as I like to say, “Hire the Fire and Fire the Mire“!
Those individuals on your team (and you know who they are), the ones who are hindering the performance of the facility are a cancer to your culture. You have to remove the cancer with laser precision to create a new environment for everyone that’s fun and exciting! If work feels like work or drudgery to your staff, you’re missing the mark, and you likely have some much needed staffing changes to make.
Does your staff wake up each morning excited and anxious to come to work? Or is it just a job? If your staff isn’t happy, and if you’re not doing more than the occasional donuts and pizza party, you’re going to score a zero in the happiness department. The saying ‘happy wife, happy life’ applies here as well as at home. I like to say ‘happy staff, no riff raff’. Keep your staff happy and they will ensure your families and residents are happy.
Has your facility ever had cash flow issues? Has your company ever had cash flow concerns? It doesn’t have to be that way. Most of us focus on budgets as they relate to expenses. The real financial opportunity that will make bottom lines SOAR, is focusing on the top end of the financial statement…creating that revenue. If the revenue is there, you’ll be able to bear most expenses, even unexpected ones. Budgets and budgeting can be a blast if you create the marketing and culture that births the dollars to meet the budgets.
Are you excited and happy for surveys to show up? Are you truly glad for surveyors to come in your building? You can conquer compliance once and for all by using the RingMastered program to ensure your facility is in compliance all day, every day.
Solving census, staffing and compliance doesn’t have to be a chore. Life for your residents can be so much more fulfilling! Join us at a RingMastered Workshop and subscribe to our daily tips to learn more.
What’s My Investment?
- Sign up for our FREE Daily Tips $0
Dan’s schedule is at capacity and this option is not currently available. Please check back for future openings.
Gold Plan- I want support …I’m tired of going it alone!
- Sign up for our Monthly Group Coaching Club …
- Includes a laser-focused monthly topic and access to private page for instant networking, answers and connecting with colleagues.
Dan’s schedule is at capacity and this option is not currently available. Please check back for future openings.
Platinum Plan- Our Most Popular Plan!
- Receive the benefits of the silver and gold plan PLUS participate in a monthly mastermind group hosted by a RingMastered Certified Facilitator.
- Each Platinum participant will have 5 minutes to present a specific issue they are facing and a 10 minute facilitated brainstorming session by the group focused on helping you achieve results.
- To achieve maximum diversity in opinions mastermind groups are intentionally designed to have a variety of individuals, roles, organizations and geographic regions represented.
- Participants are rotated each month to avoid groupthink and consensus.
- The intent of the mastermind group is to stimulate a breadth of solutions.
Dan’s schedule is at capacity and this option is not currently available. Please check back for future openings.
Diamond Plan- I want it all!
- Receive all Silver, Gold & Platinum benefits plus a monthly, 30 minute, Personal 1:1 Brainstorming Call with Dan.
Dates & Location
Registrations are temporarily suspended for the Fall, 2020 event. We remain hopeful we will still be able to offer the live event.
Fall Conference
November 16-18, 2020
Orlando, Florida
What’s My Investment?
How much are your empty beds and empty apartments costing you? How many referrals think ‘all nursing homes are the same’ or ‘all assisted living facilities are the same’? How many referrals tour your building and shop the competition and know without question what makes your facility the undeniable best choice? How much is turnover and unhappy, yappy employees costing you? Do the math, multiply your empty bed days from last month times your average daily rate…those empty beds are probably costing you tens of thousands of dollars every month and hundreds of thousands of dollars, if not millions, every year. The lack of clarity in your facility may be costing you a great deal.
Registration suspended until public gatherings are approved.
8 RegistrationsBring your core leadership team
- $999/person
VIP Experience- Exclusive VIP lunch with Dan
- Reserved front row seating
- Half hour 1:1 coaching session
- Signed copy of RingMastered
- Special VIP gift bag at end of workshop
Have a question? Call (865) 300-3232